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出国留学英语作文范例(英语作文 出国留学)

发布时间:2022-05-02 06:36 来源:互联网 点击:0



出国留学英语作文范例(英语作文 出国留学)




  Natural-science factor together with social-science one can accelerate the development of certain careers. This causes major economic to change from the old to the new. Some people have accordingly had a somewhat varied career, keeping up with the pace of technological change. That could help their investment to make the programme economically viable. Here appears apparently positive about that.

  As known to all, comparatively, too much emphasis on ruthless pursuit of wealth can discourage the development of creative thinking, to say, their careers are regarded as short-term, unforeseen beneficially. About their ideas, they have been rather negative.

  Positively speaking, some technologies has turned useful which is, in their view, remaining in line with their hobbies. This shows it's hard to give up them in a lifetime. From these, technicians are successful in benefiting by earning a quite competitive wage in companies. The fact comes to that they would consider as being fairly positive, encouraged to spend a lifetime perhaps in working career as a technologies interesting to them.

  As seen from this, one resists his/her professional change for fear of losing his/her job. Comparing with that, current changes in careers have occurred constantly. That is to say some people's attitudes to careers has changed dramatically fast over the last ten years. They are hardly aware of a risk facing them, i.e. to end in unexpected failure, without doing quite a lot of work on research and development in their job. This is a perfectly abnormal stage of development, wasting money together with time and training chance in staff resource. Their professions are believed to has no clear career structure. That means a change of career enables the personally potential revenue to lost in long-term time. Its growing negativeness will inject a degree of instability into their families so as to be likely to affect the livelihood of careers changers.

  One needs showing an attitude to a career as is kept stable, while businesses have to adapt to change, yet. For example, so is a successful technology by which to produce products continuously, that was a logical development from its design to application, during its fatal.

  The above makes me understood by the idea that one would keep a career not in instability but in stability, which is to develop the well working relationship on mutually economical and professional benefits between employees and employers in long-term time.


  An increasing number of people change their careers several times during their lifetime. Is this a positive or negative development?







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