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stay open黄子韬歌词 stay open歌词什么意思

发布时间:2019-10-31 01:20 来源:www.roadlady.com 点击:0
stay open黄子韬歌词 男: One time Two times 多少 来回 Tell me then 别再 离开 持续 徘徊 快乐就现在 Oh my heart 在跳动 让我走 进你的心房 Oh the stars Beautiful highs 新的一天where will you go 女: It#39;s the same with me and u and everybody All hold

stay open黄子韬歌词


One time Two times

多少 来回

Tell me then

别再 离开

持续 徘徊


Oh my heart


让我走 进你的心房

Oh the stars

Beautiful highs

新的一天where will you go


It#39;s the same with me and u and everybody

All hold tight our breath while waiting for the party

So many doors

So many closed to light

Oh baby my heart#39;s open

U know that I stay open

Lost in the night

Standing outside the club

Oh baby my heart#39;s open

U know that I stay open for u


One time Two times

多少 来回

Tell me then

别再 离开

持续 徘徊


Oh my heart


让我走 进你的心房

Oh the stars

Beautiful highs

新的一天where will you go


It#39;s the same with me and u and everybody

All hold tight our breath while waiting for the party

So many doors

So many closed to light

Oh baby my heart#39;s open

U know that I stay open

Lost in the night

Standing outside the club

Oh baby my heart#39;s open

U know that I stay open for u

So many doors

So many closed to light

Oh baby my heart#39;s open

U know that I stay open

Lost in the night

Standing outside the club

Oh baby my heart#39;s open

U know that I stay open for u

U know that I stay open for u

U know that I stay open for u

stay open黄子韬歌词 stay open歌词什么意思

stay open歌词什么意思

《ZTAO,DiploM ? - Stay Open》是由黄子韬亲自作词并参与编曲和演唱,曲风细腻柔和更带有东方韵律。编曲手法更是有所突破,用东方乐器巧做点睛,充分展现了其音乐天赋。这首歌是一首想象力与创造力兼容的作品,也是C-POP音乐风格多元化的延续。就像是海报中面对迷雾后的未知世界,他的音乐正在走向无限的可能和更广阔的天地。

stay open黄子韬歌词 stay open歌词什么意思

与黄子韬早前和Wiz Khalifa、DJ Tisto 等欧美大牌制作人合作的C-POP作品相比,《Stay Open》所呈现的是一首真正具有东方元素的Cloud Trap曲风C-POP。被原版《StayOpen》抓耳副歌所吸引的黄子韬也直言:“一直有想打造多元化C-POP曲风的想法。加入乐堡开躁全球音乐计划这样极具开放与多元精神的音乐平台,和国际顶级音乐制作人们合作,正是一个好的时机和平台。”

stay open黄子韬歌词 stay open歌词什么意思


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